Reflection 4

This unit of better live let me see a lot of blog with ideas and creativity, but today I want to analyze the third blog of Ziyi Shan. At the beginning of this blog, he said that he wanted to choose a more technical portrait photography, because he felt that mastering some basic photography skills was more conducive to his major. I think what he said is quite reasonable. Mastering some skills can really help us in the process of our work.But later his ideas changed. When he found that there was no skill to learn, he realized that the idea behind the photos, culture is the most important. I quite agree with this point of view. Isn’t the meaning of images just to let people intuitively feel the ideas and culture conveyed from images? What’s the meaning of a good photography technology if there is no idea?

At the time of final outcome, what he wanted to do was about the cultural wave in the 1990s. He was inspired by a famous photographer, whose characteristic was to use the simplest way to create characters and shapes. At the beginning, he tried many ways to create portraits, but the results were not very satisfactory, so he decided to simplify the elements, use the most basic colors and props, and design models. Sunglasses reflect the fashion sense of the 1990s, and the black background can highlight the yellow clothes on the models, so he can focus on the models.It can be said that the final effect is very good.

In fact, I also learned a lot in his blog. Sometimes I just pay too much attention to skills and ignore the most important thing, that is how to convey ideas and culture. It’s good to have skills, but in a work, if people only see skills, there is nothing else, you think successful work is also a failure, because these skills are soulless and insincere. Only sincerely express what you want to express, even without skills, this work is successful, because such a work has soul.And I also learned that sometimes too many elements will make the whole modeling more complicated, and the appropriate elimination of some elements will get unexpected results. This should be what the teacher always said, leaving some blank, making the focus more prominent, making people feel what you want to express more intuitively, instead of too many elements, they don’t know the focus where?

Finally, thank you very much for having better live, which has taught me a lot and helped me to see the works and ideas of other excellent students.

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