Peer Review

I have chosen to peer review the third blog of Frankie Bogg. Reading her review on her personal outcomes and development through Portrait Photography, it became apparent to me that she reflected her learning and adapted her own practise, keeping the current unforeseen circumstances in mind. As well as enhancing her technical skills;  Bogg, F. 2020 “… such as lighting and making the most out of your camera”, it seems the majority of her personal development throughout this unit, was how she approaches her own creativity when at home.

I really enjoyed seeing how she approached the themes in her own way, as it was different to how I had perhaps. For example, she referred to her social responsibility currently, to be keeping in contact with loved ones and being responsible for keeping the heroes of the NHS ‘safe and protected’. I found this interesting as she had taken what she had learned through the practise of Photography and Better Lives, and showed understanding what it represents and means to her as a wider issue. 

I have also expressed the difficulty in being creative and finding inspiration through this tough time being at home; so it was interesting to read how Frankie had found ways of experimenting and being creative with the camera. The playfulness of the third image, for me, really contrasts with the mood and candid angles of the first two. The lighting is a lot moodier and subdued in the “Self” and “Present” Portraits, yet the bright light and in the “Absent Portrait”, combined with the glasses and the fact it was taken through a FaceTime call with a friend, contrasts this. For me, I took this as a representation of perhaps the moods we have all perhaps experienced though this awful time. I thought this was really commendable how Frankie has managed to show ‘distance’, emotion and ‘inner conflict’ between friends, family, and also strangers who we are all keeping in our thoughts and prayers.

I think overall, I really enjoyed reflecting and reading Frankie’s positive development because of her own interpretation of the theme Social Responsibility, and therefore how I related to that. Bravo!

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