Peer review 4

A blog which I found to be really standing out was Juliette Eleuterio’s writing on project outcomes and personal development. What truly impressed me was the very personal writing style. I find it very empowering when somebody does more than a simple description of a certain act, but actually invest feelings in the way they present a concept.

Following a concrete introduction is a paragraph that opens up about the idea of imperfection, which one of the most important aspects of humanity. Moreover, Juliette also showcases the idea of how common is for young individuals to compare themselves to certain social media people who promote unrealistic beauty standards. Essentially, she was one of the many little girls feeling imperfect, more precisely, feeling that being imperfect is something intrinsically negative, because of the socials norms.

Later on, she tackles the oxymoronic concept of the “no makeup makeup look”, trending for many Youtube content creators years ago. This created the creative base for her project – conveying a look without makeup.

To sum up, the conclusion reiterated the ideas around self improvement over the years. Self esteem issues are a ubiquitous problem in today’s ever evolving society, and the <<Better Lives>> course became a tool used to begin a chain of inspiration and of seeing life from new perspectives.

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