• Attending the Better Lives lectures has definitely influenced the way I will work as a fashion journalist in the future. The Better Lives themes are Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Diversity. I realised, that to create powerful and meaningful stories, these themes have to be reflected – as they are more important than ever. We are all responsible to create a better fashion industry. In my future encounters, I will particularly think of the Better Live themes and how I can include them in my work. My main inspiration to become a fashion journalist was always to inspire others with my words and stories. Words are incredibly powerful and they are present everywhere. My motivation is to give those a voice who are not able to present it. I want to look behind the scenes of the fashion industry and support those who do not get the attention they deserve. I want to be part of something better and I believe I am able to do this with living more sustainably and supporting diversity as well as being socially responsible. The fashion industry is incredibly diverse and it has changed a lot over the past few years. But there still has to be put in more effort when it comes to supporting diversity and it has to be portrayed in the long run and not as a trend only. I will portray diverse characters in my stories and I will give them room to express themselves. I will definitely support brands that produce sustainably and who are transparent about their productions and their intentions and I will distance myself from fast fashion brands. I will make sure to include those who stand out by being different and who might be imperfect in the eyes of others. After all there is no such thing as perfection – it is an illusion created by society. I want to be part of an industry that sees beauty in flaws and that supports imperfection. Unfortunately there is still a long way to go to achieve this but I hope I can be a part of the change. I want to write about topics that move people. Journalists have the power to create stories that inspire and influence society. I want to portray sustainability, social responsibility and diversity in my work. I want to support designers and creatives who have the right values, who live sustainably, who are diverse and support diversity and who are aware of their social responsibility. There are so many incredibly talented people in the industry who do not get enough recognition – especially when they are at the beginning of their career. I want to give them a voice and a safe space to express themselves. In my future course work, I will include the Better Lives themes way more now. Finally, I hope that I will have a meaningful career as a fashion journalist and that my name will be remembered as one who changed and influenced the fashion industry for the better.
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