Blog post4

I read Elanka Jiang’s post blog2: Diversity during the pandemic and it really resonate with me. The reason I chose her blog post was I was thinking the same problems that she mentioned as an Asian living in London.

She first talks about her root and ethnicity, and how she is feeling about it. Then she shares her experience and what she saw in social media which is all racism toward Asian and how she felt about it. Then she tries to find what she can do as a media student, especially as a future fashion illustrator.

After reading her post, in my view, I felt sad about this insane racism happening towards all Asian living abroad and only Asians are taking care of this problem. I know that other people also know that racism is bad and those who are racist are wrong. However, they are not putting much attention on the racism happening due to this virus and sometimes they also do some racism by mistake not knowing that they actually did.

I strongly agree with her view that there are many posts saying degrading misinformation on social media and want to compliment on her sight that she had thought of these problems. I never thought about this problem before, but after reading her article, now I also think that this could be a big problem that should not be underestimated. People can easily believe in those misinformed posts without any doubt and it can provoke and enhance some racism problems, especially on the young generation who are closed to social media. This made me think that as a one of media student, what can I do to solve these problems.

Finally, looking at her last paragraph, she mentioned about how she will work in the future as a fashion illustrator. I could see how much she is taking care of this diversity problem and passionate about her creative work. I also could see that she is proud and confident about what she is doing now. Some of her plans inspired me what I can do in future as a fashion photographer. I can say that this is a good reflection writing written about diversity problem happening in this pandemic situation. It was really good that she wrote the things that are related to nowadays, so I could more easily resonate with her writing. However, it would be better if she had written about other two subjects, sustainability and social responsibility, but I think it can also be a good choice to focus on one subject more deeply rather than barely skimming the surface of all three subjects.

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