Blog Post Two
Working on the better lives project and watching the better lives lectures has made me understand the responsibility I have when creating or collaborating on a project to ensure it is ethnically responsible whilst also being the best work I can produce. I need to be active in my decisions to guarantee my projects are diverse projects, being aware of my personal social responsibility, taking that forward into my decisions at work. Sustainability is also a growing issue, with workplaces expecting to be presented with the most sustainable ways of working.
The film, television and theatre industry have always been predominantly white and male industries, only being challenged within the last five years, with movements like Me Too, and projects dedicated to challenging diversity and the lack of it, for example the award-winning film Moonlight. I am very aware of the social responsibility I have as a woman to work on projects that support other women, striving to work on projects that are made up of equal sexes, creating permanent space for women within the creative industry. In my area and specialism, it is expected to be a male dominated area, with the history of 3D effects being heavily led by men, however, I think it is becoming a more equally accessible industry, with my entire class apart from one being female. I also feel a social responsibility to make sure the projects that I work on are racially diverse, pushing the industry to be more representative of it’s audience, rather than monoculturist, using one type of ideal person aimed at a certain demographic.
Sustainability is quickly becoming a more recognised issue, with dramatic changes happening to the film and fashion industry. In particular, the fashion industry is being ‘called out’ for the damaging impact it has on the environment being a non-sustainable trade. Fast fashion is dominating the world now, with the expectation to buy an entirely new wardrobe each season. However, brands that facilitate fast fashion and contribute to the problem are being made to justify their decisions, and their choice to ignore their social responsibility to the planet. For my area, the industry uses lots of single use chemicals or products, that can be detrimental to the environment. These methods are being adapted as best they can to be as sustainable as they can within my university. We are bringing these new sustainable ways of creating forward with us into our future work and projects.
Working on the better lives project has made me more aware of my social responsibility as a young person entering the industry, taking what I learn forward into all the projects I work on in the future. I would love to work on projects championed by other women, supporting people of minority groups. I also hope to continue with my practise in the most sustainable way possible, developing new ways and methods of creating, reducing the amount of waste.