During my better lives seminars we have discussed various subjects that are in link with the fashion industry. Elements of diversity, power, communication, empathy, conceptualization, sustainability / social responsibility. Generally, I always felt passionate towards fashion creative direction and by choosing it for a second term unit, gave me an opportunity to learn what it is, the basics and the role of creative direction in the fashion industry.

Moreover, as a young individual it is natural to reach towards the unknown, learn, grow and be confused. I have always been overthinking about the present and the future therefore, since early age I have pressured myself in finding something I am willing to do and how they say not to work but to “enjoy”.  The question “how the better lives themes might change how you work in future” – I wouldn’t have a clue if you asked me this question two years ago during my time in sixth form, however now I do.

As mentioned earlier, the subjects we discussed one by one has left me in confusion many times as all the topics we have learned had me engrossed and inspired me to use each element in my future lifestyle and working. Specifically elements of sustainability, diversity and communication. Living in the 21st century gives the society many opportunities that makes their lifestyle easier, however because of the term “used to” we have abused and overused the privileges we have living within that lifestyle.

Sustainability is a major issue as it is a well-known fact that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting  industries that consequently, influences global warming. As a citizen of this planet, a fashion student my role is to keep the world as I perceive it now and only improve it for the future generations. Better lives has influenced me in thinking of the facts I have not yet realised and inspired me to practice, progress and pass on the social responsibility we all have in order to achieve the change. I always practiced environmentally friendly living by doing recycling, not littering and staying away from plastic as much as possible and lately I have tried living a waste free life for a week. I tested myself, struggled and learned. The dependence we have on essentials such as plastic packed groceries has left me astonished nonetheless, that is one of the factors that is changing and will change my work in future. 

Finally, keeping within my beliefs and spreading them is the key factor for my future role in a fashion industry. Creating a space where individuals around the world could interact with one another artistically and create together is what I hope to achieve and it cannot be done without communication, diversity and innovative organic thinking.

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