Blog Post 4 Ryan Lewis

Concluding The Better Lives project we were set the task of peer reviewing other blog posts. The importance of peer-reviewing blogs is vital and very effective as both students get to expand on touched upon subjects. While reading multiple peers’ blog posts I came across one that really caught my eye and this was Fiona Chernavskaya’s blog post 2. This blog was surrounding how diversity, social responsibility, and sustainability will change how she works in the future and some really good points have been made. I chose this blog due to Fiona being on the same course as me, Fashion Styling and Production, and some mutual points were made in both her blog and mine. 

She first touches upon how the project so far has helped her realize that diversity is an imperative part of the fashion industry, especially within the models. She progresses into looking into examples such as project runway season 18. This was a good way to back up her argument and really put it into perspective. Progressing on, she started talking about social responsibility, and that the use of sustainable designers would be used in her work as much as possible in the future. She brings up sustainability within the third paragraph and Stella McCartney came up for an example, although this is a good example, I would have liked to see other brands brought up as Stella McCartney has been at the forefront of sustainability for a while now and she is nothing new to the sustainability aspect within fashion. Within the second paragraph, the use of a rhetorical question was very effective because it gives the reader a question to think about while reading the rest of the blog. Within the last paragraph, Fiona said “As most brands are beginning to transition to different versions of sustainability it’s important to encourage and highlight their strengths, pushing them forward towards a future where we can replenish what we take from the earth”, I think this is a very strong ending to the blog and leaves the reader to really think about the damaging effects of the fashion industry.

Overall I think the changes that Fiona will make in the future will make a difference and will really show positively in her work. In Addition, I think she has successfully understood the Better Lives themes and incorporated this into her work. 

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