Blog post 4- peer review reflections

My final brief’s task was to scrutinise a fellow student’s blog and state wether they have fully reflected on the better lives themes; diversity, social responsibility and sustainability.

I chose to review one of the contemporary photography project reflections because, personally I was torn between Photography and Styling but chose to go with Styling hence, I was inquisitive of discovering what I  missed. Furthermore, I was curious of how resourceful my photography peers were in producing their works considering the Covid-19 lockdown situation. Sophie Greenaway’s blog stood out strong and interesting among the blogs I read- her reflection evenly left room for intrusion.

Blog three’s brief was to experiment and explore ways to use the better lives themes above to inform our selected project and reflect on our developing creative attributes.

Sophie beautifully structured her blog post by relating the relevance of her chosen project Contemporary Photography to her actual degree 3D effects, then went more in depth stating what type of photography her project explored. Sophie shares her takeaway stating “she looked at multiple artists and photographers to broaden her understanding of portrait photography” which I believe sharing the names of one or two of these practitioners or one she identified most with would have likewise enriched our knowledge and broadened our understanding of Sophie’s angle of interest. 

Sophie singles out an angle she was particularly interested in and considered exploring in depth partly because of it’s relevance to her degree and cleverly tucks in an example to support her statement- ‘how she pushed herself out her comfort zone’ which highlights a key element of the better lives project. The main purpose of the better lives project was to step out of our disciplines and enrich ourselves exploring other practises.

Sophie explores and review her fellow peer’s work focusing on the different approaches they took and shares her findings stating “I was fascinated by the way my peers use their bodies in an unusual way”. It would have been pleasing if Sophie elaborated more on what she meant by “unusual ways” or even used imagery to help visualise what she meant.

In conclusion, Sophie critically ponders over the relation between her selected project and her future career but makes no mention of how she infused the better lives core values into her project. Like most forms of media, Portrait Photography is a communication tool usually used as a medium to convey- giving her room to infiltrate her take on certain key elements of the better live themes like society, environment, representation. In fact, Sophie makes mention of three things she experiment with and focused her lens on; her body, family and surrounding. It would have been nice and impactful if Sophie talked about elements that made her family and surrounding unique and diverse or even highlighted or suggested things in her surrounding she would retouch or reshape to improve her environment.


Sophie Greenaway’s blog link:

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