blog post 4- peer assessment

My final blog post in the better lives project is to be a peer review. For this task I chose to comment on Chia-hsun Yu’s blog post 2: theme reflection. I chose this blog post to focus on as the theme of sustainability is the one in which I focused the least amount of time researching whereas Chia-hsun Yu has written mostly about sustainability. 

Chia-hsun Yu began with stating why they took such an interest with sustainability and it is a result of having already completed topics surrounding sustainability. They then went on to demonstrate how their previous research into the theme has changed their everyday life and design work by stating that they recycle regularly and urge others to do the same for the sake of the fashion industry and the environment. I really loved this point as they are clearly someone who is very empathetic and would have benefited greatly from the lectures we were given on each theme. On the same note as Chia-hsun Yu clearly already has prior knowledge of this topic I would have appreciated perhaps seeing their view on diversity or another theme in which they haven’t already researched. 

Chia-hsun Yu then went on to explain that during the lectures they thought a lot about what more they could do to help with the growing problem however continued to describe actions they have already taken. I absolutely love that they are clearly someone who already takes into consideration the theme of sustainability and I urge everyone to take their advice however I believe this task was all about how the new knowledge of each theme has influenced you and I would have liked to have seen more information on what they are going to do next.

Chia-hsun Yu continues by naming a few brands which have collections with sustainability in mind. To me this shows that they have taken initiative to research more about the theme after the lectures and briefings. They comment on H&M and Stella McCartney, encouraging other brands to do the same.

For me personally the task was all about learning about important themes and expressing how they have influenced us and how they will continue to do so in the future. Personally, I would have liked to hear about Chia-hsun Yu’s take on the theme of diversity and how they will be considering it as a factor in the future. Saying that Chai-hsun Yu clearly has vast knowledge and interest in the theme of sustainability so has chosen to focus on that theme accordingly as it may have been the theme which resonates the most. After reading their blog post I too was eager to be more mindful of our planet and to try and minimise my carbon footprint as much as possible. 

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