Blog Post 4

To conclude the Better Lives project we were asked to review one of our peer’s blog posts. One that caught my eye was Kun’s first blog post, which reflected as mine on Kate Fletcher’s lecture on Nature. Reading someone else’s opinion and thoughts on a common theme were really engaging.

Kun started her post, reflecting on how our desire as consumers to continuously have a new dress, is not only ruining the environment but is also making us forget how truly important nature is. Her opening was thoughtful and deep. From the beginning, it’s clear that she has connected with the themes of the Better Lives unit and made them her own.

The lecture by Kate Fletcher made her more aware of the current problem of Sustainability and how Fashion is also responsible. Being she a Fashion Styling and Production student, she is conscious that her chosen studies will lead to a career full of innovation and creativity. As a stylist, you can express through clothes ideas and opinions. During the lecture she realised that this can be a double-edged sword: the things she creates could potentially cause harm to Nature, and Kun now feels the pressure of it. But as Kate Fletcher explained, what we do is not only for ourselves but also for nature itself.

I enjoyed the way this blog was written. Although it did not have many paragraphs, and some passages were hard to read through, it contained many well thought arguments and opinions. The example of denim she wrote about was interesting and it suited well her discourse on human impact on nature.  She wrote this blog with a personal touch that was very exciting to see. She analysed first what the problem is with sustainability on a more sociological side, and then she went on to make it her own, connecting it to her course and her sensibility. This blog made me want to reflect more on how I could personally affect the environment both positively and negatively.

 I’ll end this post with a quote from Kun’s post which had an impact on me: ‘In such a fast-changing era, we seem to have forgotten how to slow down and forget the things that are always around us, but we no longer care. Fashion comes from nature. It seems that we only think about how to get those beautiful and fashionable clothes, but we never think about where they will go and what they will become when we discard them one day. We never think about the price of nature and the responsibility we should bear behind the beauty.’

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