Blog Post 3
Developing a Character is a project using various makeup techniques to create a character. Before COVID-19 spread, I enjoyed several sessions learning new techniques that I’d never experienced before. For my own course creative direction, I might do some makeup on my own when I have a plan to shoot. It was helpful. The first image that I took from class was about Painted Illusion and Distortion Effects. Half face is joy, the other half is sorrow I think. For my project, as I mentioned in my first blog, I am interested in the lecture Power. I chose one of the themes, fashion slavery. There are still many women suffering from sweatshops. They are forced to make clothes with a low salary and some have been tortured and beaten, even sexual assault. The second image was my final design concept. Without makeup tools, so I used Photoshop to paint a model who is suffering from that abuse. I chose needle and thread to express her job- a garment worker. Half her face and her body have several scars due to abuse. The story behind this character is the news about sweatshops in Brazil. In Brazil, most of the workers come from countries near Brazil, especially Bolivians. Some of them were created to be garment workers. The factories pretended to guarantee their working hours, working conditions, and the like. They are allowed to pay the “training fees” that means sometimes they get no money. (Aljazeera, 2016) I was thinking she may be sold to garment factories or abroad as a slave and forced to do this work. She can sew clothes but she needs to be ‘sewed’ her wound. I am glad that my project could have its meaning behind it. It might be perfect if I do makeup on a real model.

AI Jazeera News (2016) Brazil: Slaves To Fashion Available at: (Accessed:21 April 2020)