Blog post 2: Themes Reflection Task

Among the 3 themes, I would like to exclusively focus on ‘Sustainability’ in this blog post and reflect on how this particular theme might change my work ethic in the near future. I am never seen as that girl who decks out in beautiful pre-owned garments; vintage or thrifted. Guilty as charged, I have actually never been to one, with the exception of dropping off donations. It is not that I put on airs or despise the idea of wearing someone else’s’ garments. Truthfully, I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that I could be wearing a dead person’s outfit. This might sound spoilt, but I am probably one of the last few people to get on board with sustainable fashion because I am so used to be able to get hold of the non-sustainable materials in a blink of an eye. But all the lectures on sustainability has got me thinking of our beautiful Mother Earth and the disturbing impact fast fashion has taken upon it. 

At this moment, I can see myself venturing into the fashion scene upon graduation. Sustainability in fashion is a hot topic right now, and I might jump on the bandwagon and be involved in eco-friendly fashion. Eco-friendly materials will also be considered throughout my academic years in LCF. Because of how niche the market is, and costly sustainable products can be, I think it will be a great challenge for me to think out of the box and create something with limited resources or even discover new alternatives. This could be an opportunity to push my creativity limits instead of sticking to what I was originally been exposed to. 

Having said that, I do not think that I will single out using real leather or fur entirely, for my creatives. In my opinion, sustainable fashion has a long way to go and to get everyone on board with it is not that easy. I do not believe in going cold turkey and eliminating all the least eco-friendly materials because like I mentioned above, not all sustainable products are budget-friendly and as a student, I probably would not have ready money to spend on. 

For every flower bloomed in a floristry, there will be stale flowers and plants unsold. For every processed poultry, there will be feathers remains. So, I would take my very first step towards sustainability by using materials like byproducts. With adequate research, I believe I can get the same satisfactory quality and also promote sustainability in my work by using byproducts. As the fashion industry proceeds to change every now and then, it is heartwarming to see a fashion trend like sustainability spreading awareness and educating people like myself.

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