Blog post 2- Reflections on how the Better Lives themed might change how you think in future

The Better Lives unit has informed my future creative practices because it allowed me to explore another route in an industry that is similar to my own, the area I decided to explore for my project was creating a character. This unit has taught me to focus more on context rather than what is just in front of me, for example to develop a believable character you need to think of what their background is and not just what they look like.

In the future, when back in my degree subject of fashion journalism, I think this unit will change the way I approach the tasks that require collaboration with other people on my course, as prior to this unit I have been a bit more introverted in my work which in the long run would give my work a disadvantage as it would only be from a singular perspective, I would gain some form of benefit from allowing other creative perspectives on my work as they could provide me with some constructive criticisms that can help me reach higher grades and allow my work to show a range of perspectives instead of just one. In terms of changing the way I approach the more collaborative tasks in my degree, in future I will begin to share my pieces with others to allow myself to be able stretch even further and improve my work, I will also allow my course leaders to see my work more often to get their expert opinion.

Another way in which the Better Lives unit will change the way I work in the future is how it will change my approach to the more creative tasks in my degree, for example as I study fashion journalism some of my tasks require me to create my content in term of vox  pops and broadcast pieces and also some require me to use the InDesign software to create my own magazine layouts. The themes have definitely taught me that being original is important in the fashion industry and that its ok to go outside of the box and be ambitious with my ideas instead of essentially playing it safe. In future I will be looking outside of the box for more niche stories and thinking bigger for any magazine mockups I may be required to do.

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