Blog Post 2- Creative Practice Reflection
By watching the lectures in the better lives unit, I have been able to expand my knowledge on some of the main issues that we face today as designers. There were lots of points and topics that were brought up during these lectures that have had an impact on the way I have been thinking recently. I wanted to ensure that I had a good understanding of the key points made, so that I can always be mindful of them when designing and creating in the future.
I’ve always been conscious of how my work as a designer will affect society and the world that we live in. As a fashion student, sustainability is something I have to be really aware of. My discipline is Costume design, and it isn’t always easy to source materials, particularly fabric, that I know are sustainable and also ethically sourced. Something I have started doing since being at university is saving as much scrap fabric as possible for things such as samples and to test the sewing machine before using it. In future projects I would love to be able to not only work with sustainable materials, but create art with an underlying message and meaning. To have my work make a statement to the viewer or wearer. I would like to use my platform as an artist to break away from the limitations that I set myself within my work, and create something that focuses more on bringing some of the main issues in the world to light, rather than just make something that is aesthetically pleasing.
I have also been thinking a lot about social media since writing my first blog from Katelyn Toth-Fejel’s Society lecture, and also Julia Crew’s Power, where she says a lot about how brands have embraced this almost free advertising, and how it helps to kickstart small businesses and put them out there for lots of people to see. I think as a creative, it would really benefit me to start up my online platform to really build a portfolio of who I am, and help me to create an awareness about what I represent and my abilities.
I would love to work on the ‘Social Responsibility’ side of things, and take part in projects in the local community that involve some sort of fashion/ design. During the quarantine, my Grandma, who used to work for the NHS, has spent her time crocheting some teddies that are dressed up as nurses and doctors to raise some money for the NHS. I feel like small independent projects like this are a great way for me to use my talents in the arts to give back to the community.

Crew, J. (2020) Power [Lecture] Better Lives: FU001708. London College of Fashion. 10 February 2020.