Blog post 2

Before having this ‘better lives’ lecture, I honestly have never thought about these three aspects which are ‘sustainability’, ‘diversity’ and ‘social responsibility’. This was a good experience to make me think about the problems happening nowadays in fashion industries and how I should act and what I should consider in the future. Some of those lectures really came into my mind and changed my attitudes but some did not.

To be honest, ‘sustainability’ part did not make me agree with what they are saying at all. Fashion is just one of the common extravagances that human does to make themselves feel happy and designer stand for to satisfy consumer’s desire. I can understand that there are some significant sustainability problems in fashion industries, and they urge people to be in the problem and do something together about it. But, until fashion stays there as an extravagance, sustainability problem will not be gone, if the problem gets solved, still there will be lots of new side effects occur by that, for example, fashion designers will lose the chance of earning money. However, it can be used as a strategy of some brands to make the brand different from others and attract niche customers who are interested in sustainability problems. I do not think it is a problem that every people have to take care of unless fashion becomes an essential thing just like it was in primitive times. So, I do not think that there will be any change in how I work in the future in terms of sustainability.

However, unlike sustainability problem, I agree that diversity problem is a big thing that we all should try to solve. It is provoking the discrimination on race, gender, age, size and more countless part. It is breaking the basic human right that has to be protected and ensured. It became way better than before but there are still a lot of exclusivities happening fashion industries, especially, there are still far to go on Asians and disabled people. If we have a look at top magazine cover or editorial, it is still mostly covered with the famous star, sample-sized models. We can see some of plus-sized models and old generation people, but it is really hard to see Asian model or someone who has disabled compare to another race or non-disabled. As a fashion media student who will work on fashion photography and film, I will consider more on people who are standing in shadow and need the light to light them. I will try to listen to their voice and try to narrow the gap between all types of people. We are all the same human who has little difference to each other. There should not be any discrimination on the chance to be lit.

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