Blog 4 – Reflection on peers’ work (Jolin Tung’s)

I read one of the peers work about the human cost of fashion. It first tells about the status quo of fast fashion in the industry and the reasons why people like to buy fast fashion products. It then clarifies the problems of fast fashion in working environment, child labor, worker safety, etc., and employs a few quotes of trustworthy people to increase the credibility of the article. In my opinion, the advantages of this article are as follows.

First, it has a logical analysis. A common problem with many articles, including mine, is that opinions are too superficial and there is no in-depth analysis. This article is a good example which succeeds to avoid this problem. It can be seen from the article that the author is good at induction and summary. Combining quotation with quotation, the author significantly enhances the depth of the article, which is reasonable and founded, and highlights his own thinking on this subject, which is well worth learning.

Secondly, the author adds a lot of professional terms, such as “race to the bottom”, which requires a lot of research work in the early stage. The author also has mulitple credential references to a plethora of literatures, indicating that the author has invested a lot of energy and time on it. In addition, the author then gives an easy-to-understand explanation and adds his own understanding, which adds another highlighting point to the article.

As I mentioned in blog 1, I believe that fast fashion has indeed increased the burden of the industry to a great extent, and these problems cannot be solved properly in a short time. The problems should be recognized as a crisis of the fashion industry and a hindrance to the development of the whole society.

To conclude, I believe there are many aspects that I can learn from this article, and I will apply my reflections to my work in the future.

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