Blog 4 – Peer review task information

I had a chance to look at several different blogs and every single student had a lot to say. For my final blog, I decided to review Nicole’s blog which certainly caught my attention. In her blog, she discusses her impressions and personal experiences as well as knowledge and personal growth. She describes her interaction with fellow students and the way she communicated her ideas as well as mentioning the importance of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. There, she makes a statement that “Creative Direction is visual communication”.

First of all, she explains in detail the purpose of a fashion film and how it can be communicated. She then analyses her group’s strategy and the way their research was done. I think it is vital to be able to discuss every stage of the process and Nicole does it very well. However, she managed to successfully talk through difficulties she had to challenge within their group and how important it was to keep the communication on the same level as it was before the current crisis. Secondly, by exploring and developing ideas for the project, she contributed with numerous propositions and developed creative attributes by rapidly approaching the fashion film. I like her honest and transparent approach and how openly she discusses her personal development and growth as a contributor to the group’s assigned brand. As a creative individual, she reflected fully on the themes of sustainability and social responsibility, especially diversity by creating the link to the brand and the outcome.

It is undeniably an important part of creative practice – an ability to talk freely about the struggles and mistakes. I think her blog combines both positive and negative sides of working in a group, which is normal for a new experience like this. During the course, she mostly engaged with theme of diversity by explaining how essential it was for the brand “Nubian Skin”. Eventually, the outcome echoes the current situation with COVID-19 and the film provided me with an ability to dive into a range of skills and themes, which were presented.

Finally, I think Nicole managed to give an in-depth and detailed blog, explaining her refection and contribution. She gives a nice explanation about the development of their film, which successfully covers and represents diversity and social responsibility. Perhaps, if more time was given, she could look more into sustainability and how “Nubian Skin” could improve their product. All in all, I think the creation of the film was very much a success.   

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