Blog 4: Peer Review

After reviewing a few of my peer’s blogs I decided to write my response on Molly Zepatel’s 3rd  blog reflecting on her project outcome of Makeup Breakdown. I chose this as she attached and analysed pictures of her work during the project which would be interesting to respond to. She is also on my course so I thought it would be a good way of comparing responses and elements of the project that she would incorporate in her future practices.

Molly starts addressing the better lives themes within the context of how the project aspects had changed during the lockdown. Stating that people were “recycling materials and creating something really beautiful from them.” And thus being sustainable through reusing. She then goes on to detail which materials she, personally, reused and utilises pictures of the look she created with some recycled lace. Said lace was “unpicked” from an “old project” making it even more sustainable as two separate items were being recycled. 

Diversity is another theme Molly illudes to within her blog. Referring to lectures surrounding the subject as “inspiration” for her final design. Linking this blog to previous ones. She expresses disappointment as she feels she struggled to “convey” it and goes on to say her ideal model would have been a man. Hindrance of COVID 19 and the nationwide lockdown. A male model would have been more relevant and suitable as Molly took inspiration from the glam rock era when traditional views of gender began to be subverted and “were more experimental with their gender”.

Molly, however, neglects to mention the third better lives theme of Social Responsibility. I feel as if this might be because it can be difficult to define as well as being difficult to apply to low scale projects. It is arguable that Molly is being socially responsible merely by adhering to the rules of the lockdown. Even despite her desire for a male model. Molly has also been socially responsible as a result of recycling and being sustainable as well as the small scale she was working on resulting in no unethical practices or mass waste. 

Overall Molly addressed how, both, sustainability and diversity were themes incorporated into her project and designs. Although she neglected to mention social responsibility in this blog it was, indeed, something she pursued during this project due to her adherence to the lockdown guidelines. As well as the many other responsible aspects of her practice. 

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