BLOG 4 Peer Review

For the last section I decided to peer review Maja Bebber’s work, she gave a really insightful perspective on her project, one which differed completely from mine therefore it caught my attention.  She discussed her collaboration with fashion brand “Lazy Oaf” and mental health project “Time to Change”.  Although our fashion projects differed I found myself relating and understanding to some aspects of her project thanks to my Better Lives knowledge. For example, when she mentioned ‘Lazy Oafs” history as a brand aimed at a specific audience, which she describes as rebellious, non-conforming to the norm, which are ideals which I have studied in my ‘Inside and Outside Fashion’ project as we looked into subculture and what pushes the creation of one, and it usually these ideas of rebellion.  I was extremely interested when she stated that she created gifs for her project because as a journalism student this is quite different from my idea of fashion, as I am more used to writing, exploring through academia and research. Also, I was quite impressed when she mentioned that she created these gifs with the Better Lives themes in mind; sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. The idea that the mental health was fundamental to her is really inspiring as I believe that mental health is pivotal in the world of fashion and should be seen as so. 

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