Blog 4: Peer Review

Having looked at as many of the blogs as I can, I have lots of newfound perspectives from those of my peers. The responses to the unit have helped connect me to the themes beyond the insight of my own. I’ve chosen to review Solomiia Zakharkiv’s third blog post as I found it to be the most intriguing. 

Solomiia demonstrated outstanding research throughout her blog. Her delivery on her knowledge about the brand ‘Nubian Skin’ was presented to the reader clearly and precisely. After reading, I felt I knew a lot about the brand, and I explored it further because I enjoyed what the brand stood for. The theme of diversity runs undoubtedly throughout the brand, and definitely within Solomiia’s blog. It opened my mind to the term “nude” and how there’s a large misconception of it being one colour, in which Nubian Skin successfully redefines with its products and their choice of models.

I noticed the blog was distinctly structured. Solomiia shows the progress of her project. The start of the blog showed her understanding of the fashion industry before the unit, as well as the beginning of the alteration of her mindset with her fresh knowledge and interest in creative direction. After she had started, her aims and intentions for her project were made evident. I was attentive to her compliance with the current Covid-19 situation because she mentioned how it would modify her team’s ability to create the film the way they originally had imagined. But the challenge only enhanced their perseverance. As a reader, it was obvious they kept the unit’s theme of diversity well in their mind. This was shown in their reflection on their exploration of Nubian Skin. Within their outcome, they mentioned an improvement of adding more male representation to the brand to develop more ‘transparency’. I found this to be an effective response to the unit.

Solomiia finished off the post by summing up her experience of the Better Lives unit. She clearly states her personal outtake from this project and that it will impact her perspective in the future. The message was conveyed well that the main focus of the project was about empowering all individuals of all genders, ethnicities, etc. Her voice, although in a team, was definitely proactive in the project and I believe her contribution was useful to the unit. From reading this, I think I would be interested In experimenting with film and advertisement, since it is a good method when conveying important messages that society needs to be made aware of. o

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