Blog 4 Peer review

After reading the blog written by different students, I found that everyone has a different understanding of the theme and content of the course of better lives. While I was reading the blog of Xiuyijian Jiang, I found that the theme of her project is closely related to the theme of better lives contact. It was talked about how the developing a character project changed her mind to think about the future career and how did the cultural sustainability and diversity impact her.

After I read her blog carefully, I found that she gave us an example to talk about how she thought. She mentions that in the fashion industry, some organizations call on people to donate clothes they don’t wear, and achieve sustainable development through donations, which can reduce a lot of domestic waste. Although the starting point of this initiative is good, some people will worry about it and fear that the clothes are not clean, and these clothes may not be properly disinfected and washed after recycling. Here she talked about the role of the media in this event. She believes that the media should be more active in reporting such incidents and tell people about the benefits of sustainability. As a part of living on earth, everyone is closely related to sustainability. I agree with her point of view. Media reports can affect people to a great extent, and environmental issues are related to each of us. Now, the speed of melting glaciers around the world is accelerating year by year. Maybe the people we live in cities can’t feel much change, but the climate change is also accompanied by it. Various issues remind us that sustainability is a very important issue, which is also one of the topics mentioned in better lives. Finally, she mentioned the feeling of participating in this project. In addition to being able to learn new skills, she can also remind people to protect the environment by creating images, that information can be delivered to people through social media.

I could see her passion and ambition through her writing, I think she has seriously considered the relationship between sustainability and the fashion industry. Though continuous learning and thinking can we change our future lifestyle and attitude. After reading her writing, it’s mainly mentions sustainability, but I think the other two better lives themes can also be combined in this blog. It’s good to see people have different view about the better lives themes-sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. Through the better lives course, I have learned a lot of new knowledge, and will have a huge impact on my future life.


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