Blog 4 Peer review

I have read a lot of blogs written by peers form different disciplines these days. Everyone shared their unique ideas and experiences on the themes of the Better Lives unit, inspiring me so much. I decided to peer review on the first blog post from Kun Wang and the reason why I chose her blog is that she reflected Kate Fletcher`s lecture which was talking about nature that I was interested in. I think the content of her blog fully reflected the connection between nature and two themes of social responsibility and sustainability.

In the first paragraph, she mentioned a test of testing to identify the plants and animals in London given by Kate Fletcher, giving her deep thoughts. I quite understand her feeling because I also got vivid impression of this test when I attended this lecture. I could hardly recognize any animals but be familiar with almost all the names of the brands, going through the same situation as she did. Kun Wang then discussed her thoughts that triggered by the test from two aspects. She pointed out a passage said by professor: ‘human always think that they are the center of everything, but in fact, on the contrary, nature is the center of everything.’ Everything is dependent on nature, including humans as well as their lives. she also questioned human behaviors of destroying nature and overconsuming natural resources such as deforestation, water pollution and air pollution. Those issues are exactly be of concern to human beings, relating to the theme of sustainability. In addition, she communicated some ideas of recognizing humankind`s position in nature, combining what professor said. It is another important part of her blog, reflecting the theme of social responsibility. As she said, in fashion industry, we can use fashion and other things to join the world, however, we must do with conscious of social responsibility. Before taking any action, consider the feasibility and whether it will cause damage or loss to nature and society.

Overall, I think Kun Wang has well reflected two themes of the Better Lives unit with her own insights about nature. Besides, it is wise of her to strongly express her ideas by using a great deal of rhetorical questions.

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