Blog 4

The main themes of the Better Lives Unit were Diversity, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability. The aim of this unit was to explore these themes and apply them to our fashion practice. This unit helped us change our thought process by allowing us to examine the past to build a more sustainable and diverse future. As a part of this unit, we were required to review the work of our peers. After reading several blog posts, I decided to review Celine Brand’s second blog post in which she reflected on how the Better Lives themes will change how she will work in the future.

I chose Celine’s blog because it was well structured and informative. She discussed how the themes of diversity, social responsibility, and sustainability will influence her work as a stylist in the present and future. Through her blog, Celine demonstrated her clear understanding of the Better Lives themes and how she was able to expand her knowledge. She talked about the importance of incorporating sustainability in the fashion industry. She backed this view by talking about fast fashion and its harmful effects on the environment. She also mentioned that she wanted to find ways in which she would help minimize this problem. I would have loved to read about her ideas to help reduce fast fashion. In her blog, Celine focused on the theme of sustainability and expressed her desire to sensitize the theme of sustainability through her work. This demonstrated her growth as a fashion practitioner and how the Better Lives themes has changed her way of thinking. 

In the blog, Celine also focused on the theme of diversity and how she would incorporate it in her fashion practice. She emphasized the lack of inclusivity in the fashion industry and suggested ways in which she would help solve this issue. I like her idea of styling her friends and people around her instead of models. This would help promote body positivity and inclusivity. I completely agree with Celine’s view on fashion and inclusivity. I agree that fashion should reflect our multicultural society and represent everyone without discriminating. I was inspired by Celine’s idea of wanting to expand and transform a Eurocentric choice of model casting to a multi-cultural one that would be diverse. This demonstrated her understanding of the theme of diversity and how she would work towards making the fashion industry more diverse and inclusive. 

Through the blog, Celine showcased her growth as a fashion practitioner by analyzing problems and formulating solutions for the issues. She conveyed her ideas and thoughts brilliantly. She demonstrated that she possessed important skills of critical thinking and problem solving which will enable her to make a difference in the fashion industry. 

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