Blog 4

Reading through my peers blog posts, gave me a good insight to how they approached and reflected on the themes of diversity, social responsibility and sustainability. One blog that I liked in particular was by Laura Allwood, she talks about the way she wishes to approach future collaboration within fashion journalism, explaining that being introverted within her work puts her at a disadvantage as she only gains an insight from one singular view. I related to this as I find that being introverted has limited my own work, if I was to collaborate and share experiences with more people I would extend my knowledge on various topics. Reflecting back on one of my previous blog posts I talk about how a diverse people equals diverse thoughts and this is something that would benefit the way I conduct and collaborate with my work.

Laura also reflects on the way she approaches creative tasks being on fashion journalism, using new software like InDesign to become more experimental with the content she produces. I like that she has reflected on the better lives themes and challenged herself to step outside of her comfort zone and be ambitious with the work that she produces, exploring more ‘niche stories’. This is something I also aim to do myself, I find that within my written work I am reluctant to talk further in depth about the topic I am researching. In future projects, I should consider writing in further detail by doing more academic reading and engaging with people that can give me a greater understanding of my theme.   

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