Blog 3: Project Outcome

For my Better Lives project I did messaging fashion. This was a PR unit, which being a journalism student I found very interesting. I realized that journalism and PR are very related and I found exploring the relationship between both areas of communication to be very useful. We had to create a campaign for a brand in which we incorporated social corporate responsibility. It showed us that instigating positive change is very compatible with economic growth. We got assigned a brand and had to choose a charity that would complement the brand’s ethos and then develop a campaign that would result appealing to the brand’s audience.

The outbreak of coronavirus during the making of the project changed the way in which we approached the campaign. In order to be sensible with the issue at hand and the current global climate we made our campaign 100% online, creating a campaign that was entirely online but that could still have a very large reach. In the end our group decided to host an online auction via Instagram live using influencers and media outlets to bring exposure to it. The garments auctioned were to be archive pieces, ensuring that no unnecessary waste or pollution would be generated during such difficult times. It made the campaign sustainable and of little cost to the brand.  The charity chosen specializes in providing women and children that find themselves in abusive households which is an issue that has been exacerbated by the outbreak of the virus. It was very interesting to think of ways in which we could bring a beneficial outcome for a brand while at the same time giving back to society.

The fashion industry is often tainted negatively and it can feel a bit disheartening, however this kind of project proves that things can be done differently and that the industry finds itself in a moment of change in which it is striving to become much more just.

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