Blog 3

  • 3.Reflections on how the BL themes have influenced your project outcome and your personal development.

I have chosen the ”Bode&Nature” brand for my project outcome . I made a video concsists of short different clips which demonstrate the  fragility and tenderness of the nature. I reflected themes of  sustainability and nature resourses. I showed how amazing is everything surrounding us , and how we often do not pay any attention to the world around us.

This video was made in London by myself. For locations I used Southbank and Shepherds Bush.

I also made an accent on the music – I found a sound effect which in my opinion reflected the mood ,aesthetics and concept of eco-friendly brand.

I reflected connection between people and nature, showed that we are parts of a greater whole.

I used trees ,water, few animals to demonstrate life in this video and how strong is connection between human beings and world.

I found calm music with with a hint of alarm because I wanted to show that our planet is in danger. We have to consume planet resources more consciously. 

I used clip which demonstrates waves of Thames which symbolize alarm for people about the state of our nature at the moment.

Moreover, I added some own sound effects to this melody. I added some wind noise which I recorded near the trees which demonstrates calmness and makes an effect of anxiety to show that our planet is in danger and we all have to be more responsible using natural resources. 

All the clips are my own primary research. 

So,the concept of the video is based on sustainability. I researched this theme while I was making my video.

Sustainability is a pattern of resource use which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The main idea of sustainable development is to achieve the lasting satisfaction of human needs. Environmental management may be defined as “the study of all technical and organizational activities aimed at reducing the environmental impact caused by a company’s business operations” (Cramer, 1998, p. 162). 

Nowadays, globalization, technological changes, economic drivers, and social and environmental mandates, the global business environment is less predictable and more challenging .

So people have to find more tricky ways not to cause bad impact pn the environment.

So, different brands customers, stakeholders, and society expect and specific products and services with less waste, reduced impacts on health and environment, being responsible. 

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