Blog 2

  1. 2. Reflections on how the BL themes might change how I work in the future

Actually Better Lives lectures was interesting and useful experience and I started to think about things I’ve never wonder. I am going to  use my learning outcome in future. I became more responsible. I definetely will treat the eco-system more carefully. From now I will work only with sustainable materials, making projects at university. 

Later if I will start my own business one day (for example,personal brand) I will think about sustainability. I will use knowledge about psychology of customer, empathy which will help me to understand what people actually want to buy and how do they choose items they like. I will analyze the customer’s behaviour which is important to notice.

I am going to review cultural influences , ideas of how and in what way should I produce things. Moreover, I am thinking about any ways of making items of the brand maximum eco-friendly with zero damage for the world,I’ll make items possible to recycle. I’ll think about the ecological decline ,relationship of human and nature. I’ll take any measures not only do not cause any damage for nature,but also to help it. I understand that humans belong to a sphere apart, outside. of and above ecology. Ecologyis an important thing on which all humans are depended. We have ro be responsible when we use resourses which our planet gave to us. Nature as a resourse, ‘a means ro an ends’ which we have to realise and remember. I will do anything available to act in ways to grow our ecological identitiy. Because nature is an actual fundament of fashion system and nothing can happened without the support of sources of nature.

 I will think about technology (which plays a great role in peoples’ everyday life) as the realisation of knowledge into action.Moreover,it is also fashion’s limiting factor .

So,all in all I will treat the Earth and its resourses with respect, finding eco- friendly solutions and focusing on cooperating with human beings and nature.

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