Blog Post 2

The Better Lives unit aim is to bring the student’s attention to some major issues of these times. The themes are Diversity, Social Responsibility and Sustainability. All three topics can and have to be addressed by the fashion community, and as the next generation of creatives, all us students should learn more about them. Understanding what the problem is will enable us to work towards a better society, which will be more aware of the environment and of the people who are discriminated or forgotten.

As a Fashion Pr and Communication student, I know that in the future I’ll be able to influence a group of people through my practice. As magazines, social media and ads can truly shape the perception of beauty, diversity will always be a theme to resonate with. From size to ethnicity to gender, my projects will all have to be inclusive. There is a huge need for a wider representation right now, and Fashion can truly contribute to that. The first important step I think we are already making it by studying in such a varied University. Seeing so many people, all with different backgrounds and tastes makes including someone diverse from ourselves a natural thing. Of course, we are all not alike, but in a sense, we can say that studying at UAL allows us to be inclusive without even thinking about it.

One thing I had never realized before the Better Lives unit is how important fashion can be when talking about Social Responsibility. In my life, I have always done some volunteering work, but it only gave a short term benefit to the people I was assisting. None of what I was doing could potentially improve in the long run someone’s life. And it was enlightening to realize that the subject I am studying, in the future, could change the reality of a lesser fortunate person. Many brands such as Toms are already doing it, and supporting them will probably send a message to other labels to follow their example.

Apart from Diversity and Social Responsibility, what this unit made me reflect on is Sustainability. Through the lectures and the ‘Emerging Technologies’ course, I’ve realized that there are so many ways for Fashion to cause less damage. And this for me is exciting because it allows my generation to revolutionize the way we think in each of the Industry’s sector. From stores to shows, technology will give us new means to not only be sustainable but also creative. From never-seen-before textiles made from waste to a digital fashion week that no longer has to follow the rules of gravity, the next five years will be a turning point. In my future works, I want to explore the potential of technology and how it can be implemented in a short time to reduce our impact on nature.
I believe this unit was essential to reflect on these themes that often get overlooked.

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