Reflection 3

Speaking about how the lecture on the theme of nature has affected the presentation of my works and my personal development, first of all, I was not clear about the direction of the theme at the beginning, but when I listened to the lecture, I decided to make a connection between fashion and marine pollution.Then I began to investigate how the fashion industry polluted the ocean. As a student of fashion learning and production, I think the most important thing is how to convey their ideas to the public intuitively through their own works, and have the ability to create and innovate. So the question is, how and what kind of innovation should I express this idea?

In my research, plastic and fiber are the main causes of marine pollution, and then I think I can use plastic and other materials to show a fashionable shape. After that, I found some images of marine pollution, and found that many marine creatures were tightly wrapped around their bodies by those plastics and fibers, which made them unable to breathe, and their bodies became deformed, which made me think that I might be able to reflect this kind of physical deformity and suffocation on the model, just like those marine creatures.Now I have all my ideas. Now it’s time for the experiment. At first, I used garbage bags to design my model, but no matter how I changed my shape, I couldn’t show what I wanted to express. Later, I spread all kinds of garbage bags with different colors on the ground to show the feeling of marine pollution. Then I used those plastic bags to design the model As expected, it shows the effect I want. After that, I think it’s not enough to use plastic bags alone. I also want to show the sense of deformity and suffocation on my body, but the element of plastic bag is too single. At this time, I think of what the professor said in the lecture, using fashion and everything around me to integrate into the world. I suddenly thought that the plastic wrap can help me to present the feeling of deformity, so I tightly wrapped the legs and arms of the model with the plastic wrap, which does not help me to present the feeling of deformity. I can also use this It’s a good way to let the model do some movements with the help of physical restraint.Next is how to reflect the sense of suffocation? Plastic bags and plastic wrap have been used. At this time, I thought of the net and rope for fruit. I can use these two elements to make a choker, and then use that net to make a mask. In this way, both fashionable elements and suffocation can be expressed, and then the model can make some struggling movements. The final effect of the whole work can be conveyed Ocean pollution is fashionable.

In the whole process of making the work, I also learned a lot. I feel that through that lecture, my thinking became more flexible. Although I failed in the experiment, I learned how to draw experience from the failure, and I also learned a lot in the process of shooting. The shooting angle, lighting, setting, etc. are gradually getting true in the constant attempt In the process of modeling design, I learned that fashion is everywhere, and anything can become fashion. Isn’t that to integrate fashion and everything around you into the world?

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