Blog Post (4: Peer Review)

I am reviewing Victoria’s project outcome blog post, which was very informative about her experience in the fashion activism unit. She introduced that her group had to make a moving image for social media with an original plan of using a diversity of models and a projector that would show the words that would describe the model’s journey on the topic of mental health. I think they have thought through this idea well along with the social responsibility that it comes with, it is a captivating way of conveying a message about mental health to the public. Also including diverse models to talk about this topic is very important since mental health is affected by anyone of all different cultures and races. It is a good way for the audiences to relate and to feel accepted. To produce an advertisement for online platforms is sustainable because it is digital, rather than for example on paper, posters, or billboards.

Unfortunately due to the current situation, the original idea could not go to plan. So, her and her group had shared other ideas via social networks and decided to create this advertisement basing it on their own experiences and journey instead, as well as how the pandemic had affected them and everyone else. With the restriction of certain tools and teamwork in person, Victoria reflected that she and her group have stayed consistent and seemed to have communicated their new ideas well. She mentions that her group managed to be creative as a team and independently by using sources that were available to them. This was evident in their video outcome which I thoroughly enjoyed watching. It included bright colorful graphics and a montage of individual clips and speeches which were all edited nicely together.

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