Blog post 1: Lectures & How it have influenced thought process

I refer to 3 lectures of focus; Empathy, Representation and Democracy & Activism.

All factors and themes discussed in the lectures are beyond concepts. They are, in fact, opinions.

I will address the 3 focus themes in a learning model; assuming empathy to understand the current climate of representation in fashion, then initiating real conversations about diversity.   

Representation comes in different identities; colour, bodies, expression etc. With the emerging social hashtags, like #fatfashionweek and #whomademyclothes, the urgency has opened itself to the community for their awareness and involvement for change. All of these modes of reach demands an explanation and education to the state of deliberate unawareness fashion brands and houses are taking with their personal exposure and promotion, whether commercial or preferential. Colour/ shape inclusivity, creative integrity, understanding privileges and the need for cultural conversation, as discussed quite broadly by Teleica Kirkland, are the few of the many necessary questions which need to be in the groundwork to assess our consumer’s support. Moreover, a support is equivalent to a vote. Diversity is so real and apparent around us so why is so difficult to paint a realism in fashion? Critical moderate curators of this representation-lack situation like Fashion Spot, Diversity Coalition and the infamous @diet_prada are perhaps the result of this problem.

Picking up on the lecture on Empathy, the need for observation, immersion and empowerment might be the appropriate approach to deconstruct the current bias and introduce human-ness into the corporate equation. Referencing a case study, A mile in my shoes (2015); A project which allows individuals to listen to another’s personal story and feel firsthand the passage of their experiences. What if the fashion we are constantly being enticed to consume and follow becomes “empathetic things”? That means, conscious clothing which respect diversity, fair wage, trade and climate sustainability. Would we as consumers and them, as the producers, be more compassionate and partial with our choices and vote?

Collectively, we as young fashion creatives, should be appreciative of the time we are in, where voices are sounding clearer and taken more seriously- paraphrased from the response given by Lucy Orta on a question about the small number of activist fashion till date and her future hopes. Her first touch-point on the slim line of difference between the Artist-Designer mannerisms to be vocal about socio-politics intrigued me. As a fine-arts creative myself, now transitioning to becoming more of a fashion creative, it has enlightened me on how the message of a work has to go beyond concepts to be constructive in its function. It requires the involvement and interaction from the community or communities, to forge a shared dialogue and advocacy. That is the core of social activism; the power of the people.

Moving on, I would take the course of this unit to explore the realism in diversity with empathy.

Buff, C. (2018) This Hashtag is Putting plus size Women at the Forefront of NYFW Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2020)

Fashion Revolution (2020) IMadeYourClothes Available at: (Accessed: 20 March 2020)

Marinelli, G (2019) 9 Powerful Stories of Representation at Fashion Week Available at: (Accessed: 20 March 2020)

Bates, K.G (2017) On Fashion Runways, Inclusion Is About More Than Colour Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2020)

The Space (2020) A Mile in My Shoes Available at: (Accessed: 20 March 2020)

Gamman, L (2020) Lecture 8: Empathy [Lecture Presentation] Better Lives, London College of Fashion (Accessed: 15 March 2020)

Orta, L (2020) Lecture 13: Democracy & Activism [Lecture Presentation] Better Lives, London College of Fashion (Accessed: 17 March 2020)

Kirkland, T (2020) Lecture 11: Representation [Lecture Presentation] Better Lives, London College of Fashion (Accessed: 19 March 2020)

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