Blog post 1-Lecture reflection

After studying a few lectures on Better Lives, I gained a deeper understanding of better lives. The lecture I want to talk about is the third lecture by Nick Almond, Emerging Technologies in Fashion.

This lecture has changed my perspective on how fashion leads to better lives since technology can help us achieve things that could not be done before. The ever-changing technology is helping us tremendously, even though it could be convoluted. As a fashion styling student, technology could benefit us in various ways. For example, the Internet allows us to find more resources to do styling. During the lecture, Nick has mentioned that one of the critical technological moments is that AI can play a significant role in fashion. With the advent of AI, marketers can survey any topic and any group of potential consumers. There are a lot of fast fashion brands that are not sustainable. AI could assist us to anticipate upcoming fashion trends, hence, reducing waste from fast fashion and making fashion more sustainable.

In the fashion industry, the designer wants the design to create different possibilities, but sometimes it is too complicated to convert the design into reality. The technology could solve that problem. I believe 3D printing, can help fashion create better lives because 3D printing can create any shape and use different materials, so it helps the designer to actualise all the impossibilities and turn the most improbable projects into reality. Besides, textile was playing an essential role in the fashion industry, because unique textile can help make the design more outstanding. The 3D printing can not only create a 3-dimensional textile but also synthesise different materials into one piece of cloth. The only limitation is the creator’s imagination. As a result, digitally-created clothing will be more popular due to its uniqueness.

During Nick’s lecture, he mentioned that the third significant moment in technology is “New realities”, which include Virtual Reality(VR), Mixed Reality(MR) and Augmented Reality(AR). The XR builds our future. Peter Druker said: “The best way to predict the future, is to create it”. Nowadays, customers can browse all kinds of products directly on the Internet, but frequently, products do not meet expectations. XR can revolutionalise the fashion industry to a more sustainable one. XR creates virtual clothing experience without even having the product manufactured. The design could be tested by customers; if unpopular, it would not be on the market at all, minimizing the traditional process and waste.

In conclusion, emerging technology is an integral part of fashion in creating better lives. The invention of AI, 3D printing and the New realities benefits the fashion industry in an unprecedented way, making it more sustainable. 


Ricci, Claudia. “How Technology Is Helping The Fashion Industry To Advance.” WTVOX, 11 Dec. 2018,

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