Blog 3 – Project Outcome & Personal Development

The Better Lives unit has helped me develop my skills and shape my thinking before creating new projects. I always wanted to develop my photography skills and this was a great opportunity to do so. During the Contemporary Portrait Photography course, we started to look at technical skills and moved on towards analysing the work of other photographers and looking at their practices. 

Using photography to spread a message is widely used in the fashion industry and both are essential to each other. Even though I thought that the isolation would make it harder to create something and work on the project, it changed the way I see things and helped me to be more creative inside the four walls of my home. 

For the final project, the task was to take three types of portraits within our homes. The first, a self-portrait which was probably the easiest and most enjoyable as it didn’t require another person. I always loved the self-portraits of Cindy Sherman. The idea of depicting oneself in different contexts and growing into different characters always fascinated me. Even though her practices really inspired me for several years, seeing a lot of her work during the recent exhibition in London, I decided not to show faces in this project. Seeing other body parts and allowing the viewer to imagine the rest of it, is in my opinion, sometimes more interesting. Similar to old paintings, the objects lying around allow the viewer to analyse the people in them, learning more about their backgrounds, lives and status in society. The second task was a portrait of someone else, again, I decided not to take a picture of a person but, instead, focus on objects lying around the house that show a lot about a person. Either a mug, a working from home station or laundry lying around. The idea of not using the conventional portrait photography and having a person in front of the lense allowed me to find another way to show one’s personality through a still image. The last task was to take a portrait of someone not there. This was by far the most challenging of the three and I decided, in the end to create something using old film negatives that were hidden in old boxes in the house.

Throughout the Contemporary Portrait Photography course, I’ve learnt to look at things differently and keep in mind the three themes of the Better Lives unit. Being isolated at home was, at first, a challenge but it allowed me to see things I wouldn’t have thought about otherwise and shoot in a different way. I have also learnt by analysing images with the themes in mind, that photography is very powerful and can create a very different reality depending on who shoots and who is shot. Images can have a positive as well as a negative meaning but they are an essential part of the fashion industry. 

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