Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change how you work in the future;

Within the second blog I will be reflecting on how it will influence my work ethic in the future, expanding on how I will use more of the cultural and sustainability aspect. As this is a Better Lives topic I was pleased as I could write about personal experiences with my culture and how its shaped me as I grew up.

This correlates with my work ethic in the future because I will incorporate more culture.

Being a fashion styling and production student I show my cultural fashions through my styling as well as using sustainable materials.  

Being a British Pakistani influences my outlook on fashion. I will use vibrant colours and traditional patterns. I will combine east meets west to mix western British clothing with bold, bright and cultural patterns that represent the culture from South East Asia.  

This would be ideal for my work in the foreseeable future because I am using personal experiences in the styling career.

Culture, therefore, influences the manner we learn, live and behave. Because of this, many theorists believe that culture is an important shaper of our personality. 

Coming back to the point of sustainability, my culture influences me to use sustainable materials as they produce cotton. “Pakistan, the country’s largest environmental organisation, has been working with businesses, government, farmers, research institutes and other organisations to discover and demonstrate ways of growing cotton and sugarcane in Pakistan by using less water, chemical fertilisers and pesticides since 1999 under the Sustainable Agriculture Programme.” Stated by: WWF organisation.  This quote is implying that Sustainable agriculture is an important element of the overall effort to make human activities compatible with the demands of the earth’s ecosystems.

My work will incorporate natural fabrics such as; cottons and silks that represent style as well as sustainability.

I have learnt through past experiences that cotton is the best choice as its durable, fashionable and recyclable. My creative flair will reflect my personal style and culture when illustrating designs.

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