Reflection 2

In the unit of better live, the lectures I watched changed my views on fashion industry and influenced my thoughts on fashion styling and production.This unit gives me more ideas about society and environment. I think all the themes are important and worth learning, but what impresses me most is nature and sustainability.

I think Kate Fletcher’s lecture on nature is the most interesting. In such a fast changing era, we seem to have forgotten how to slow down and forget the things that are always around us, but we no longer care. Fashion comes from nature. It seems that we only think about how to get those beautiful and fashionable clothes, but we never think about where they will go and what they will become when we discard them one day. We never think about the price of nature and the responsibility we should bear behind the beauty.Fashion styling and production is a profession full of creativity and innovation, and also a profession that can convey various ideas and ideas to people. Before listening to this lecture, I never considered whether the ideas I conveyed and the things I created would cause harm to nature, and never considered taking this responsibility in the past. But when I listened to this lecture, I learned what I expressed, and what I created was not only for myself, but also for nature.Nowadays, people are keen on fast fashion, which can satisfy the speed of modern people’s love of new things and dislike of old things. Fast update can make people constantly satisfy with the freshness, but this fast fashion is actually the industry with the greatest harm to nature.The batch production of jeans makes its harmful chemicals flow into the river, which makes a large number of rivers polluted. The clothes we discard every year are irrecoverable and cannot be decomposed. These discarded clothes can only be burned with fire. When all kinds of fibers on the clothes are burned by fire, a large number of toxic gases will be produced, resulting in air pollution. All of these have caused great harm to nature. When we pursue temporary satisfaction, we don’t think about what nature will encounter. Man is not above nature. Man is a part of nature.

I hope that in my future works, my works are not only for ourselves, what I convey and what I create will take into account how to integrate fashion and nature, even fast fashion can be very environmentally friendly. This is the responsibility that I should take, or through my works, to make more people realize that this is also their responsibility.

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