Lecture reflection by Matthew Higby

Throughout the course of the lecture series, the speakers instilled the message of being socially responsible. I felt that the society and culture lectures acted the best together.

“Strategies of sustainability can only succeed if they acknowledge social dynamics” (Toth-Fejel, 2020). 

This quote from the society lecture stands well with the following quote from the culture lecture. 

“With every purchase we make, we are voting for or against humanity, for or against equality, and for or against our planet, and the only way to promote positive change is to vote with your dollar” (Fitzpatrick, 2020). 

My parents have instilled ethical responsibility as an important part of my character, yet I have noticed that they will occasionally purchase fast fashion garments. I understand that their purchases help feed the cycle for those who are dependent on this industry as a source of income. There are plenty of demographics that lack awareness of the detriments of fast fashion and due to this lack of awareness there’s a large population that continues to contribute. My parents may fall into this category given the fact that until I have brought up points pertaining to ethical responsibility. A high street tee-shirt may cost someone $15.00 whereas the person who personally helped create that tee-shirt may only be paid $15.00 for an entire day’s work of hard labour. Besides the fact that my stepbrother works for Gap Corporation and has told me that the distribution centres are almost one hundred percent automated. I find this statistic sad that there is the amount of clothes is in such excess that there are massive distribution centres containing almost nobody except machines and inexpensive clothing. This tradition is rooted into the global economy and unjust socio-economic system showing how some are only able to purchase fast fashion because that is geographically solely what some may buy for new clothes. Due to my privilege, I was unaware that my narrow-minded train of thought against the industry left me truly unable to judge because I have the ability to choose what clothes I wear and buy. 

Fashion has the ability to create better lives through the simple acts of kindness. I think that in this day and age especially in my age group, many are highly influenced by what they see online. The most followed people who endlessly flaunt their wealth is not realistic and should not be promoting the cycle of trends that go in and out causing some to buy the high street versions as they are unable to afford what they see online. It is nobody’s fault except for the ones at play. Sadly, this will not change over a short time or possibly even the lifespan of a factory worker. Katelyn’s society lecture left me wanting to pursue a lifestyle of a good morality.


Fitzpatrick, A. (2020). Culture.

Toth-Fejel, K. (2020). Society.

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