Blog Post 3. Project outcomes
As a part of my Better Lives unit, I was taking part in a Make-up breakdown course where the main theme for our classes and pathway was the idea of fashion mistakes and how we can use it in our own creative practice. While looking at themes of contorting, Smokey eyes, and colour theory I was able to explore different aspects of the makeup and beauty industry.
As a creative student through years of making art, I learned how important it is to make mistakes. Sometimes it is just something which didn’t go as we planned, didn’t give as the wanted result or simply didn’t happen, but sometimes it is also something better, something we didn’t think of, something that made us learn from experience.

Fashion mistakes in makeup have the same significance: we make them and we learn from them whether by realizing it has a place to be either by changing our approach. Since the production of final looks was happening through the time of pandemic we had to think of something using materials at home. Creating something like this wasn’t something new for me as I often DIY my clothes or I use interesting found materials to create my looks or shoots. I think this is something we should be doing not only now during COVID-19 but also throughout our life as it is vital to be able to repurpose our old clothes into something new to be more sustainable. Being able to reuse something we already own instead of buying something new is one of the steps which can be taken towards reducing consumption and create a more conscious approach towards it. We can use the opportunity of being at home now to rethink our approaches to creating something to drive a positive change towards a better and more sustainable future.
However, it’s not only about the reuse of existing products but also our social image and social media culture. My final look was about common beauty “standards” social media created for us which everyone tries to follow and this is the dame what happens with clothes and trends. People see influencers and bloggers posting their non-stop purchasing of new clothes and that what drives this culture of fast fashion to keep buying more and more. This is one of the critical aspects of the cultural issues in sustainability and that it’s why it needs to be addressed. I hope that by creating my looks and photography in the future I can promote the idea of repurposing and conscious consumption.