Blog 4-Peer Review

For our final better lives blog, we were asked to do a a peer review, we were asked to book at another students writing and analyse what we have understood from it, taken away and connected with. I decided to review Yui Eto’s second blog on how the better lives themes will change how one works in the future.

To begin with she mentions the aspects and lines of discipline required in her course of “styling and production”, she introduces us to the importance of collaboration with other students. She quotes Walter Lippmann “When we all think alike, then no one is thinking”, she explains the the issue in the transparency of a collaboration and the idea of having two different working styles of angles when two individuals are brought together to create and idea or concept. 

Yui Eto, then further dives into the issue of transparency within a collaboration and explains the idea of how important it is to be independent and individualistic during this process, the emphasis on the importance of communication. What I can understand from her blog is that she believes that collaboration is an incredibly important aspect of generating an idea in the fashion industry, to create an outcome with which one is happy it is important to join hands with other creative individuals, be it “photographers, models, designers, singers”. And during so “trust os the most important” because without that communication and independence is unachievable. 

Yui then talks about the importance of networking in the future, and that through collaborating this opens future possibilities for creative individuals to meet with experts from their field, You ends her blog  by writing about and ending her argument on trust, communication and collaboration and how all these aspects are critical in the future of fashion. 

Overall I enjoyed analysing You Eto’s blog, I felt as though she had some strong arguments to back up her premise, and the ability to explain each theory in depth. She has questioned the readers, giving them something to think about, which is an interesting way of putting forward her ideas. I feel as though she could have developed the importance of collaboration further more and given some more examples. I think she could have highlighted and talked about the better lives themes in more depth, relating each of her theories back to what has been learnt in the classroom setting, or through the lectures and seminars. Having said so, she has been able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the themes and how she has the ability to understand the importance of them in the future and how they might chance from current day situations.

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