Blog 3 – Reflection

Blog 3 – Reflection

For the better lives unit, I chose to take on the Emerging Technologies in the Fashion Industry course. I’ve always been interested in technology, so combining this with Fashion seemed like the perfect course to take. With the current pandemic, we suddenly saw the introduction of new technology to our lectures, with them taking place in online sessions, which was incredibly interesting to see how quickly we all adapted to the current situation, and utilised the technology available. 

In the sessions, we looked at different technologies that could be used to benefit the fashion industry, such as Blockchain, Augmented and Virtual reality, and AI. Although I was already aware of these technologies, and had a base understanding of them, it was very interesting to learn about them in much greater detail and see how they could be applied to the fashion industry in ways I never could have imagined.

As a group, we decided that sustainability was one of the most important factors we wanted to consider was sustainability, a very important topic in current times with the ongoing climate crisis.

For our final outcome, we decided to develop a trend forecasting app for the general public. We found that other trend forecasting tools where very exclusive, normally with a substantial paywall. To be diverse and allow anyone to access, we decided our app would be free. Also, the majority of people have (or at least have access to) a smartphone, allowing for a diverse audience to use our app. The app would show vintage trends from the past, promoting the purchasing of vintage clothes and therefore sustainability. We put together a pitch deck for an app, which is a process I had never heard of before, and was very interesting to not only look at past pitch decks from current popular apps, but also to actually make one as a team. We also used a SWOT analysis to help analyse our apps strengths and weaknesses, which was another process I’d never really done before. This process plays a crucial role in ironing out any potential problems in our design before it is completed. This has taught me an important process I need to add into my work, and I have actually already utilised in my own work to analyse a Fashion Facebook group that I help run.

As we come to the end of the better lives unit, I’ve found a new area of interest that I want to research further in my own time, and that I can even apply to my work, in ways I could never have imagined. I’ve learnt useful processes, such as a SWOT analysis, which I will be adapting to utilise in my future projects.

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