Blog 3

In this term we continued the better lives session online, as a creative student, the combination of technology and fashion always attracted me, based on the infinite possibilities they reclaimed and the new trend and aesthetic shows when they go together. Before I took this session, I only have a plain understanding of the technology used in the fashion field. For example, I saw designers do VR runways, some of them do virtual figures instead of using real models and clothes for their promotion, and I admire designers like Hussein Chalayan who use technology directly in his garment design, with fascinating outcome and performance in the runway. They caught my eyes visually, but there was never a chance for me to open the door and go deeper to know the process.
In the session ‘emerging technology in fashion’, it educates me with the trending technology we have that had or could have a significant impact on the industry, including fashion. We introduced coding, bitcoin, VR, and AI technology; it is fun to know the rationale and do a little experiment with them. I remembered in the session introduced Artificial Intelligence. Nick shared a website that AI analyzes and reflects on the sentences you typed, to create a virtual storyline interacted with people. The AI technology also allowed to gathered analyze thousands of runways picture to make figure estimate the fashion trend for a particular season and evaluate the next direction, which might be more accurate and certainly more effective than human-being. It both impressed me and made me a little worried about some people’s career status in the future.
For our outcome, we proposed several ideas like ‘vintage trend app’ ‘Green 3D’ ‘Local Demand’….We build a ‘SWOT’ form evaluating the strength and weaknesses of each idea, which is a good opportunity for us to summarize our understanding of those technologies and do critical thinking about their impact on the fashion industry and our future life. We finally choose to focus on the vintage trend forecasting app, as we agreed the extension of the second-hand clothes market has a huge contribution to sustainability at the same time, not necessarily had a bad influence on current designers’ benefit. This app allows people to see the former and forecasting the next trend, also offers a good way to promote vintage clothes and transmit ‘sustainability’ to a broader audience.
Through this process of proposing final decision, I have a better understanding of how to convey my creative ideas by using the technology; When it comes to the fashion business, I learned ro analyze the proposal by different perspective, and make more teamwork engaged for better opportunities and solutions. In my future study and work, I am looking forward to using the knowledge and skills I caught in the better lives units.

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