Blog 2 – Themes Reflection

The current situation we’re all living in is the closest to a Hollywood’s description of an apocalypse that one (hopefully) would ever get to be in a lifetime. This period of voluntary solitude beckons the rise of virtual activities where society can still connect and communicate without having to be in close proximity. The idea was actually popularised by the introduction of social media, online collaborating working space or even cloud storage in recent years.

Sustainability, social responsibility and diversity are the three main themes to be considered within the scope of Better Lives unit. That is why participating in the Emerging Technologies in Fashion project can lend a better understanding to the contemporary time which would prove to be a pivotal key into creating a more well-rounded fashion industry that provides transparency and fairness, eliminating creative restrictions across the board in the near future.

By including technology into a creative working process, I could see a broader pool of possibilities and innovations as a result. A smoother and more sustainable workflow where all areas can be micromanaged without sacrificing the overall aesthetic ie; less waste in creating a prototype with 3D rendering, etc. It would enable us to see everything in a different light without physical limitations. This could mean equal opportunities for everyone with the right skillset and ideas regardless of socio-economic or racial backgrounds.

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