Blog 2 – Theme reflection

The better lives themes give me plenty of inspirations about how to improve my project in future, one of the most important standards is thinking and process is more important than a piece of work. Although my efforts are only a small step in social progress, I firmly believe that more people will be influenced by this theme in the future.

I think that two of the most important gist are social responsibility and sustainability, as I said more and more small brands began to use the unwanted garments to remaking, this is the beginning to fight with the unbalanced fashion industry, as a member of the industry, I think this will break the trend of fashion giants leading the trend, which allow more consumers to find products or services that are suitable for them. As a stylist, in future I am going to use more sustainable materials in my project, such as use recycled Cotton or organic hemp to replace the synthetic fabrics, which are being found in the deep sea, in fish and shellfish. As well as I prefer to collaborate with these small brands, as well as the designers, who understand the ideas of others to create their own work instead of imitating like a puppet, led by fashion trends. This will resonate with consumers and allow them to have spiritual communication. Moreover, as we know that technology is constantly evolving, and new technologies are constantly influencing people’s thoughts and lifestyles. As a member of the industry, we should use it reasonably. Too many young people are controlled by the number of so-called followers on social media, which seriously affects their physical and mental health. The so-called success is not just how many people like you post, but whether you insist on being yourself without being influenced by megatrends, such as Instagram canceling that function which can know how many likes you received. As a stylist, I should make full use of social media to influence the next generation, not only to sell a product, but also concept and culture, let customers understand what kind of materials and labor this product cost while consuming, and their impact on the environment and balance, at the same time, it is accompanied by some questions to let customers think whether they really need this product instead of desire to live beyond basic needs. everyone in the fashion industry should take the reasonability to the consumers, garment workers and the non-human world.

At last, I think more organization should be established, not only using technology to develop late-coming new sustainable materials, but also a place where fashion practitioners of various positions share visions and cooperate, only more such non-profit organizations appear, there will be more people will be affected. I will try my best to connect my project with social responsibility and sustainable.

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