better lives -blog4

So, the last blog is about peer review, I saw lots of other student idea about better lives unit, and when I read their blog, I find we have some common idea and point. Also, they have some idea that I didn’t think before. And I found a blog which from Kun Wang, About the “reflection 2”.in that blog there has some points I also feel same.

In his blog, there has a sentence which get my attention, “In such a fast-changing era, we seem to have forgotten how to slow down and forget the things that are always around us, but we no longer care.”

This sentence makes me very empathetic, because as he said, people often don’t care where these very fashionable items will go in the future, which is also a point I care about very much.

The current social impact leads people to actively want to create some very new things, but when too many people have a deep desire for new things, some things will deteriorate, which will bring some very bad effects to the society, and the environment is the first victim.

As I wrote in the second blog, fast fashion is very popular in the current fashion field. People often want to create more and more fresh clothes and supplies, so a large number of clothes are produced. However, due to the rapid updating, these clothes will be abandoned in a short time, and then designers will constantly create to satisfy the public The demand for “innovative” clothing, but at the same time, people have ignored that it takes more than designer’s energy and creativity to create all these things, but it also consumes the limited resources brought to us by the earth. Too much material for creation has already exceeded the earth’s load, and after such creation, the final outcome of those outdated clothes has been There is no doubt that burning, and filling will cause great and irreversible damage to the environment. I think creation is important, but maybe a more comprehensive consideration will be given to the results.

As the name implies, sustainable development is for the sake of better society and people’s living environment, so as he said, “man is not about nature. Man is a part of nature.” I think it is an important issue that every designer should consider, and also an issue that the society should pay attention to now. For our current students, I think this class has a great impact on me, because I began to pay more attention to the comprehensive creation, not only the impact on people’s culture and history, but also the impact on the earth environment. After all, the environment we live in is the basis of everything. Creation should be around this, take this as the bottom line of design, use more and more A good way is to create new and sustainable works without destroying the ecology. Such works should appear. This should also be a problem that we all should think about, so as to improve the sustainable development of our works.

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