better lives-blog2

“better lives “these two simple words means a lot, when I first time join this class, to be honest it is mind me confused. About sustainability, we used to make an project called” sustainability ability” it is a really challenge project, cause I don’t really understand the relationship between fashion and sustainability, but after that project and this class, I think I found the answer.

I choose “make up and breakdown” as my better lives class theme, and in this class, I learned lots of skill about fashion make up, also I learn how to create sustainability fashion style,

And as a fashion styling and production student, the most important things is create different but also amazing style, sometimes we have to create some look relate to society and culture, and if we don’t really under stand the relationship between fashion and sustainability, the result won’t be great.

Through this period of study, I found that it is very important to learn to innovate and speak about some mistakes in the traditional sense as a point of creation. In my course, we learn to enlarge the traditional mistakes in make-up and make a theme of wrong make-up, but such make-up has an unexpected good effect in the end.

So, there are two meanings of a better life in my understanding.

The first is that artistic innovation and understanding make our life more likely. For example, something that seems to be wrong can be transformed into a good fashion with innovative art, which can often promote a culture or remember a history and can be used as a long-term cultural embodiment.

The second is to let some of its own relatively bad things that damage the environment or life and society change. For example, the current fast fashion development is very fast and convenient, but it will also cause a lot of bad environmental impact, which is more extravagant and wasteful. But if you put more experience here when creating, for example, many designers use some very simple and cheap goods Making clothes or furnishings will make the environment better and will not affect the development and innovation of fashion,

These two aspects, I think, are the fashion industry that can create a sustainable future and make the world have a better way of life.

For me, I have also brought a lot of inspiration and inspiration in my later creation.

For example, I will pay more attention to the meaning behind a design and a shape, such as whether his cultural background and the social relations connected are sustainable, and whether this kind of sustainable development has a good impact on people’s lives. Secondly, I will focus on whether some seemingly wrong ways of thinking and creative methods can be changed to develop from different perspectives, which is very important.

Sustainable development of a better life can be said to be a goal of fashion, which has a great impact on my future projects. It also needs more consideration and consideration so as to create better works.

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