better lives blog1

In this section, I watch lots of lecture online, and my favorite two lectures is the lecture 10, Cultural Sustainability, and the lecture 12, Society, those two lectures inspired me a lot.

So, first, let’s talk about my favorite lecture, Cultural Sustainability, the most inspiring me is the sentence at the first” influences people’s values, actions and expectations of themselves “which shows in the power point, It makes me thinks a lot. In different country, fashion means lots of different meaning, but the common point is they all means the development of history.

Sustainability means lots of things, such as new fashion languages, challenging preconceptions, edgy, pushing the boundaries and so on. And all sustainability fashion is related to culture, different country has different fashion, but all of them gives a new identity of fashion.

So, it makes me thinks a lot, and related to the last project we saw some fashion work about radical sustainability, when I did the research, I found that many designers draw inspiration from the cultural evolution and then create. These creations often cause a great sensation. There are two reasons. One is that these creations often cause some cultural disputes, and different people have different understandings about them. The other is that these creations are often very bright and different, It will attract people’s attention. This lecture not only lists many successful applications of fashion designers and brands, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the act of respecting culture.

This lecture not only lists many successful applications of fashion designers and brands, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the act of respecting culture.

In my opinion, the bottom line in any creation is to respect the significance of each culture to the people at that time or one party. Maybe it would be better to find more materials to make ourselves fully understand before we create, because each historical culture is unique, and only when we have a serious experience can we have a better work.

Then, about the second lecture, about society. As we all know, no matter what field the society is in, it is a problem worthy of attention and discussion, and also has a great influence. This lecture is about social problems and life, which makes me have a deeper understanding of the concept of sustainability.

The lecture introduced localism and public thinking as well as the post industrial world, which made me feel a lot. In today’s fashion industry, people are paying more and more attention to environmental protection. Because many creations will affect the environment and the social chain to some extent, I think designers should not only focus on the innovation of key works, but also on the impact and development of society, as described in the lecture when they are creating Products will have a greater impact, and under the same premise, works will be more innovative and practical.

I think fashion can make this society better and guide people’s better life direction to a great extent. The key point of fashion is innovation and correct guidance. Only by combining the two can we have good works.

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