2: Sustainability

Out of all the Better Lives themes sustainability is the most important to me. I am cripplingly aware of the climate crisis and how the fashion industry is the second biggest polluter. Environment wise sustainability also refers to not being wasteful with resources on both a small and large scale. As well as illuding to the responsible use of natural resources. However, sustainability doesn’t solely allude to the environment but also race and representation which is referred to as cultural sustainability. As my project is Mask Making and Politics I will definitely incorporate an aspect of sustainability in my work. Most likely focusing on environmental impact and the threat that a lack of sustainability is causing.

Cultural sustainability, by John Lau,  was the focus of my favourite of the Better Lives lectures. I found the content of it thought-provoking and just generally interesting. It discussed a lot of topical issues, and things currently debated in the media, that I enjoyed learning more about as they include aspects I actively try to consider when making and designing. Such as diversity and inclusion. Within my project of mask making and politics, I want to make sure my design is sustainable and not limited by my own cultural bias views so the politics behind the design is more accessible.   

Katie Fletcher’s lecture on Nature was another instalment I found interesting as she discussed the lack of connection between humans and nature. And thus the issues caused by humanity’s relentless consumerism. The fashions industry, over time, has ingrained this behaviour. Resulting in it the carelessness towards the planet rippling out into other aspects of nature such as wildlife and natural habitats threatened by the selfish pursuits of humanity. This is definitely something that I will include in my mask making and politics project as it’s something I find interesting and am genuinely passionate about. As it is also a global issue it will meet my desire for the projects to transcend and culturally political barriers. It is also becoming an incredibly hot topic due to the growing unrest concerning the situation and the emergence of protests and groups such as extinction rebellion. Which could be a valuable source of inspiration as it is a global group. 

Overall sustainability is something that I have found inspiring during the better lives project to expand my previous knowledge of the subject. As it is a subject I am excited by there is no way I won’t be including it in my project. Especially as my work is driven by a political meaning that I will derive heavily, if not solely, from the topic/theme of sustainability.

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