Blog Post 1: Nature
‘Society destroyed itself by over exploration of its own resources’ spoken by Kate Fletcher during a lecture about Nature, this quote had a very heavy impact on me making me have a moment of realisation.

Prior to me attending this lecture I was aware of the problems in the Ecosphere relating to nature, however I did not quite realise the substantial impact of society’s actions and how imminent the change is needed. Natural nature systems are broken because they are fuelled completely by human greed and selfishness. Rapa Nui also know as Easter Island is an example of this which Kate spoke about during the lecture. People believe they would build 30 feet, 80 tonne statues to compete as families, using tree trunks as a transportation method to bring them in land. Causing reduced boat production for fishing and by the time the last tree was gone the soil degenerated meaning prop production was not seen. This made the population collapse dramatically all due to selfishness and need of a good self-image for rival with the families. This was an example that has really stuck with me since the lecture as it is very almost shocking to me how much human greed took over them causing so many deaths. I think it has almost given me a look to our future if we do not act now and not only look after yourself but the planet.
Overall, this lecture Kate spoke through the effects our actions has on nature and the way it affects the planet, she spoke through reasons such as studies to why we need to act quickly. One thing that I think needs addressing is that school age children can name more brand names than names of nature’s insects and trees/plants, we need more early stage education on this subject to push to true impact of our actions.
The influence this lecture has had on my thinking by making me think more carefully about what I want my future to look like which looking at the way humans are mistreating natures natural resources at the moment wont be a very long time, especially until something detrimental happens. I think changing the way we live, and think is key, aiming towards a more sustainable future needs to happen as well as education from an early stage about the detrimental effects that are happening on our earth. There are so many sustainable products on the market but not enough education of the reasons why we use, if there was a lot more people would be investing as now it is very much of an afterthought. I am more conscious of how I live my day to day life and hope one day we can all adapt to make our earth happier and liveable.
Fletcher, K. (2020) ‘ Nature’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 12 February.