Blog 2

The lectures that I have watched during the Better Lives unit have impacted my approach to the fashion industry and how I work as a fashion illustrator. This unit has prompted me to be more thoughtful and considered with social and environmental consciousness. I think all the themes covered are important to learn about, but the themes that particularly stood out to me are technology, power, sustainability and culture.

I found Nick Almond’s lecture on emerging technologies in fashion especially interesting. In my practice as a fashion illustrator I am always looking for new technologies to improve and innovate my work, as well as new ways that my work could be used or displayed. Learning about bitcoin was a really interesting aspect of the lecture, I would like to further my understanding of these progressive technologies to keep on track with current events. I enjoyed being educated about new things in technology such as bitcoin because I wouldn’t have known about it before, and it has prompted me to delve further into research of new technology.

When he spoke about ‘disruptive technology’, being technology that displaces or improves on another, it made me consider how I need to be ahead of technologies and innovations in order to stay up to date with consumer needs and trends. It also made me think about how my own work could have a planned obsolescence, or expiry date, creating more demand.

Nick Almond also spoke about ‘XR’, which allows you to reshape reality and perception. For example, creating digital clothing to try on before it’s even made. It’s hard to imagine how this will shape new ways of illustrating, but I think it will open a lot of new avenues for me to explore and enhance the possible outcomes of my work.

Julia Crew’s lecture on power made some really important points about the fashion world. For example, the power of the influencer, the inequality in the balance of power in the fashion world and consumer culture. Also, the level of power and wealth that CEO’s have in comparison to factory workers. In my work, I must consider the impact it could have on consumers, the environment and workers. I hope that I can create work that supports positive attitudes and creates better lives, championing the right causes and promoting ethical, sustainable approaches towards the fashion industry.

In the future, I want to create more work that promotes sustainable fashion. Imaging and illustration can be used in widely influential ways, for example in advertising campaigns or to spread a message of social awareness. Perhaps I can use my work to raise more attention towards environmentally friendly fashion, or to show the detrimental effects that fast fashion can have on the environment. I think it’s important for my work to have deeper meanings and thought processes behind it and not just creating a pretty picture.

Overall, the themes of the Better Lives unit have made me consider how I approach my work and how I can include important themes into my illustrations to create better lives.

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