Project Outcomes #3
My experience throughout the Illustration project has been very unexpected and beneficial at the same time. When we started I was a bit anxious because everyone in my group was good at drawing so I had to keep up. Our coordinator was making me feel a lot better because she was giving us the freedom to explore and create. I managed to draw clothes of mannequin figures, then we were told to paint all over them, we talked about illustrators and I have come to admire Bill Donovan. He is working with Dior Beauty and his illustrations are surreal. We also had to research sustainable designer and Stella McCartney is still my favourite.
In the end, we learnt how to draw a nude silhouette and also how to draw faces. Drawing at home was challenging for me as the lockdown restrictions in my country are very harsh. I had no acrylic paint so I had to improvise. I thought using my makeup palettes could work so I started using those colours in my illustrations and an eyeliner for the lines and contour, all on recyclable paper. The drawing I am most proud of is a sketch of Kendall Jenner’s nude silhouette. I may not be very good at drawing and I am most definitely not going to be an illustrator but it was a fun experience that made me more social responsible and much more appreciative of this field of work.